Welcome!My name is Danuta. I am originally from Poland, currently living in VALENCIA, Spain. After gaining a Master degree in Art History and moving to Ireland, in 2010 I graduated from Griffith College Dublin with a Diploma in Photography. I specialize in portrait, reportage and lifestyle, and I am interested in natural approach to photography. Throughout the years I have also assisted editorial/fashion and commercial based photographers on ad hoc basis because I believe the best way to keep inspired is by working alongside experienced 'masters of light'. My practice of preschool and English language teacher inspires me too, especially in child and family photography. And I never get tired of photographing and playing with pets;)
Here you can find my other, more personal 'work':
Bolivia In My Eyes travel blog
Behance Portfolio
Exhibitions (group):
* Cowshed Theatre, Farmleigh(Dublin) - ‘Nine Tenths of The Law’(2010) / Photo Ireland Festival - 'Homeless Gallery' in D-Light Studios, Dublin (2010) / Filmbase, Temple Bar, Dublin - 'Eleven Plus' with Analogue Project and 'A Book' (2011) / 'The Picture Rooms' gallery/studio in Temple Bar, Dublin (June 2011 - February 2012).
* 'Black + White Photography' magazine, Readers Pictures - 'A Book' (July 2011) / 'Deinblick' magazine - Market Facebook competition and Analogue Project (Jun/Jul 2011) / 'Black + White Photography' magazine, Winner of the Readers' Pictures - 'Fossett's Circus' (January 2012) / WPO's (World Photography Organisation) Favourites Gallery - 'White Peacock' (2012) / Event Photography of 'Restaurante Sole Mio' in 'Click' - supplement to 'Los Tiempos'(Cochabamba, June 2012) / Photography used in an article by Yohani Kamarudin 'The Mysterious Engravings of Ireland's 5,000-Year-Old Megalithic Tomb' at: environmentalgraffiti.com (2012) / 'The Shot' Irish Photography Magazine Online (August, October 2012) / 'El Deber' - the finalist of photography contest 'Ocurrencias bolivianas'(Santa Cruz de la Sierra, December 2012) / 'ToneLit' - project 'El Horizonte Cochabambino' and a cover picture (July 2013) / 'Salt Around the World in Photography' exhibition Muzeum Zup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Poland & book (December 2013 - March 2014).